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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

First Impressions of Lima

Before I left to embark on a two month internship volunteering at a womens shelter in Lima, Peru I was warned by many of my peers that Lima well...sucked.
I never really got a straight answer from any of these peers as to why Lima was so horrible and I really want to do know now, because after spending some time here, I absolutely love it.

I don't even know where to begin.
My best friend described it as a cultural and geographical mix between Barcelona and San Francisco and I couldn't agree more. Lima is very temperate year-round, it never gets that cold or hot. The coast has a bit of a San Francisco feel to it, since they are both on the Pacific, that makes sense to me. However, the urban landscapes are very Spanish, Lima used to be the Spanish capital of the Americas, yet the Peruvians have not lost their Indigenous roots. The essence of Colonial Spain is of course all around but the Peruvians have made it their own by adding their own culture to the Spanish foundation.

You will find local cuisine all around you and it is delicious to say the least. They grow so many different types of corn and potatoes I can't even keep count and what they do with them will make any mouth water.
Oh, and the people, don't get me started on how nice they are. I feel a bit jaded because in the U.S. if someone you don't know is really friendly and just wants to get to know you, you automatically become skeptical. But here, it's common for Peruvians to be very curious about where you are from and what your country is like. They are very animated and not judgmental. They are very kind and welcoming and I have had nothing but positive experiences so far. Needless to say, I do speak Spanish, and I might be having a different experience because of that.
Nevertheless, here's to all the nay-sayers of Lima, what on Earth were you thinking?
This place is amazing!

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